Poems, February 2024

I tried writing μαντινάδες
In English not in Greek
I struggled with the words
The metaphors were not neat

For English felt too ugly
With lumps in the wrong places
Its flow was unfamiliar
Its beauty merely traces

I dug through all the words
And wrote them down on paper
They read back technically
Of man but not of nature

English remains useful
Sturdy like a house
For life it is a lion
To live it is a mouse

I picked up the λύρα
I practiced alone

With company of only a memory
Of a life I never lived

And of a vision of a future
I know can never happen

I lost my poems
in the pages of my notebook
I flicked through the pages
and found only emptiness

Water from the sky
The river’s great source
Will reach its destination
With unstoppable force

The river and mountain
Move water together
Water on flat land
Is a lake not a river

Past weeds, stones and trees
The water will flow
Sometimes it goes fast
Sometimes it goes slow

When the world changes
The rivers change paths
They think not of their future
They care not of their past

The path can change slowly
Moves great earth away
Nothing can stop it
It will find a way

The paths and earth change
The water has patience
The animals and trees
Will find a new balance

Source to destination
Flow fast and flow slow
Paths ever changing
Life seems to know

But even the river
Can freeze or can dry
For the snow, sun and water
Are the will of the sky

I hope I never find out
Just how bad it can be
Ignorance is bliss
Some things I don’t want to see

The paper bleeds
My pen a blade
Through both of my eyes
My heart feels the pain

When poetry lives between
dreams and reality
Sleep deprivation
Is the mother of my creation

It is idyllic
Books floor to ceiling
A worn crimson carpet
The aroma of paper and adhesive
Of new and old books

The silence is only broken
By the slowly opened door
The bell chiming as patrons enter
Hushed questions at the counter
And polite recommendations

The shelves snake around the store
More colourful around each corner
Travel to Politics
History to Philosophy
Fiction to Poetry

As the books change
I slip into the dream
Of the store which consumes me
And I find myself
Surrounded by myths

There is a one seat
By the poetry section
The only section worthy
Of protection from the foot traffic
For deep contemplation after sampling

It’s a small section
And confronts me with unknown names
A needle in a haystack
Is easier to find
Than a relevant book of poetry

I searched the names
For something familiar
For a Greek name
I sat and searched with my eyes
My other senses surrender to the store’s spell

At the counter
I overhead a recommendation for a book
From a Swedish poet
It was made abundantly clear
The poet was Swedish

I turned back to the shelf
There were no Greek poets
But there were Greek poems

I looked back to the fiction
There were no Greek authors
But there were Greek narratives

I looked back to the philosophy
There was no Greek language
But there were Greek collections

I looked back to the history
There were no Greek publishers
But there were Greek stories

I looked back to the politics
There was no Greek writers
But there was a Greek Crisis

I looked back to the travel
There was a Greek Island guide
But there were no Greek contributors

Turning back to poems
The realisation was rough
A story or poem alone
Simply isn’t enough

Off of the chair
I unwound myself of the store
Back away from the fiction
and towards the front door

The book store became
A little less than ideal
Not quite literary oasis
Somewhat more real

I suppose it shouldn’t bother me
To see others share the culture
To transform and interpret it
Treat it with respect and honour

But it feels a little odd
And strange to confront
That for all those Greek stories
No Greek voices not one

There’s something big missing
In these book collections
Evergreen stories
Second hand recollections

There’s more to a book
Than words on its pages
Which voice passes these stories
Down through the ages?

We have learnt our lesson
We waited a million times
In the past the food was cold
But now the food is fine

The social club is busy
Just as its always been
The kitchen is still chaos
No system can be seen

The fans wait near to order
And then they wait for food
By the time it comes to them
The game’s already resumed

We have learnt our lesson
We don’t wait any more
We don’t pregame in the Social Club
We eat on Clarendon Street before

The home of Postecoglou
And all that he represents
Is still the home of winners
It strives to be the best

The mens team makes the finals
The womens team does too
The juniors develop superstars
Well, at least they say they do

I recently went to Lakeside
Watched the players live their dream
They won the game but looked more like
A Graham Arnold team

Why am I consumed by writing
I should be working
I check emails wryly
As my productivity wanes
When days pass by with worry
And boredom comes in waves
I pass the time wearily
Better to write as I wait

They can write and speak
About something valuable
But they are hungry

How can so many people
be triggered by a single account
if they all agree it is invalid
and it’s opinions do not count

How can so many people
change they minds about another
based on one of their fans
who shows only one colour

How can so many people
complain they are blocked
by an account they don’t like
one they think should be stopped

How can so many people
React angry by default
In reaction to tweets
Consumed without salt

His tweets are extreme
No need for a sleuth
They’re clearly one sided
Even when they hold truth

Facts are just facts
Until they are not
Facts used for agendas
Can be flipped on the spot

In the extreme
The agendas are clear
Two angry sides
Neither sincere

They each cry greater good
But their real intentions
Are not bettering their the world
Just their own situations

Rather than build
They throw rocks at the other
For when their rivals are hurt
The seem to feel better

Building is hard
And so is reflection
Mean tweets and memes
Are easier than lessons

The NSL is dead
The A-League is struggling
The Herald Sun just sits back
And watches while laughing

The problems are real
Solutions won’t happen
As long all parties
Maintain toxic division

The self-interest is not
Contained to your rival
Everyone has it
All fan can be vile

The noise that is created
By relentless accounts
Is best just ignored
We should know when to log out

Two Chicken Breasts
Eggs, Feta, Yogurt, Olives
Oregano, Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar
Bread, Chickpeas, Potatoes, Rice
Cucumber, Tomatoes, Red Onion, Garlic, Lemon

My Great Great Grandparents
told my Grandparents the stories

My Great Grandparents
never met my Parents

My Grandparents
Couldn’t speak my language

My parents will speak to my children
In a language they understand

I will speak to my grandchildren
If I am lucky enough to meet them

But the chain is broken
The stories lost between Greece and Australia






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